Red Jasper is linked to the Root Chakra and is believed to keep a person grounded, balanced, and to release unwanted energy.
Red Agate is said to aid the Sacral Chakra and enhance emotional balance, creativity and sexuality.
Topaz is believed to work with the Navel Chakra to increase willpower and assertiveness. This allows us to only engage with people and situations which serve our soul purpose.
Green Aventurine is the companion of the Heart Chakra- An open Heart Chakra represents unconditional love, acceptance, compassion and intuitiveness.
Lapis Lazuli is the stone of the Throat Chakra- This stone is believed to enhance communication and balance the thyroid and hypothalamus.
Amethyst is said to aid the Third Eye Chakra and represents wisdom, imagination, intuition and an ability to analyze and perceive truth in the world.
Clear Quartz crystal A.K.A the MASTER crystal is said to help the Crown Chakra, heighten clairvoyance, clear karmic debts and connect to divine source energy.